burglary alarm system on kara.com.ng

“Burglary Alarm System” A means to Advance Security

Nowadays, house alarms or home security systems are preferably needed to ensure the house security from burglars and criminals. Installing a home security system...
Metal detector on Kara.com.ng

“Metal Detector” End to Insecurity

Fear is the fastest killer ever, and the cure is assurance of safety. In this modern age, many security Devices are used to ensure safety in...
access security control system on kara

Access Security Control system in Nigeria

Thanks to the advancement in technology, securing of lives and property are made easier, a lot of devices have been developed purposely for the...

Video-Door-Phone System for Security In Nigeria

  The rate of crime in this modern age has been an eye opener to the need for securing our homes and property, however there...
electric rim lock on kara.com.ng

Best Electric Rim Lock In Nigeria

Make the doors in your home safer and more secure by using an Electric Rim Lock. Many homes and business organization find it important to...
smoke alarm

“Smoke Alarm Detector” A Protective Measure to Fire

The need to protect our lives and property against any damage or danger cannot be but emphasized. According to research, over 2000 people lose their...
Wizod Electric fence energizer

Wizord 4 Electric fence Energizer

The first security measure to secure our home and property is the Electric Fence. Energizers are designed to supply the electric fence with power. Energizers are...

“Fire Extinguisher” Importance, Price and Usage

Fire can destroy a house and all of the possession­s in it in less than an hour, and it can reduce an entire forest to...
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