Home News Cyber Monday is the busiest online shopping day

Cyber Monday is the busiest online shopping day



cyber monday







Cyber Monday is usually refer to as the Monday that precedes thanksgiving day in US. In the Nigeria counting, we can refer to cyber Monday as the Monday that falls within the late November or early December. Cyber Monday is the day that many online company sale most of their product because several people wish to buy more product on this day online.

The term Cyber Monday  first appeared in 2005 when ecommerce business owners realize that most people buy more product on this day, hence they tag it in order to attract much more people and create more promo for the day.


Cyber Monday in Nigeria

Cyber Monday has not become common to most Nigerian stores, however this is in line with the fact that high percentage of Nigerians have not taking to the culture of buying things oneline. With this fact on ground, some online business in Nigeria take cognizance of the important of this day on their sales, hence most of them recognizes this either through their social media or through their website. Some even go as fast as following their western counterpart by making promo for this day.


Cyber Monday Deals

Cyber Monday Deals is the various discount rate at which online company sales their product on this day. In Nigeria www.kara.com.ng is one of the company that recognizes the important of this day and engage in price slash on some of their product to attract more customers and reward them for buying in their company on this day.


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