Home Amazing Deals Foldimate Laundry-Folding Machine Launched

Foldimate Laundry-Folding Machine Launched


Foldimate was one of two laundry-folding machines exhibiting at CES 2018 that promised to make folding clothes easier. Foldimate is an automatic laundry-folding machine, aims to make life easier by doing much of the work for you.

The machine features ergonomic designed clipping technology that can fold any type of shirt, blouse, or pants from age 5 to adult size XXL. Its fast folding abilities allows you to feed your items continuously while it simultaneously folds them. It also comes with features that makes the machine to adjust the folding methods based on your preferences, item type and sizes.

To use to appliance, you put a shirt or a pair of pants into a couple of pinchers on each end of a tray that grab the clothing item and pull it into the machine. The machine then magically folds each item, spitting it out in a perfectly folded stack on a tray on the bottom of the device. It takes about 10-15 seconds per shirt or pair of pants.

However, this machine has some restricted piece of clothing it can’t fold. It won’t be able to fold smaller clothes like baby items or oversized bed linens.

After the launch in 2018, the company has designed an upgraded version in 2019 with higher features. The new model features a sleeker redesign The previous FoldiMate model featured de-wrinkling and fragrance add-ons, which have now been sacrificed for better folding technology.

FoldiMate boasts that the machine can fold an average laundry load of 20-40 items in two to four minutes, although, you have to feed the machine the cloth to fold.

This technology is quite useful for easy laundry work both for home or commercial purpose.

FoldiMate, a fully-functional machine that folds your clothes designboom



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