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POPCORN MACHINE BUYING GUIDE: The Complete List of What You Need to Know.


For those who are planning to buy a popcorn machine, the options might be overwhelming. There are copious numbers popcorn machines to choose from and they’re all different in price. What’s the best one for you? Which type should you get? This article will guide you through the process of picking out a popcorn machine that suits both your needs and budget.

Anatomy of a Popcorn Machine

Popcorn kernels “explode” or “pop” in Commercial Popcorn Machines. Each kernel is made up of water and starch that is hidden inside the hull, and when the kernel heats up, the water expands and creates pressure inside the hull. As the hull gives way to expanded starch that turns the kernel inside out, the pressure will finally generate that unmistakable “pop.” During the popping cycle, popcorn machines enable steam to escape, preventing the popcorn from becoming soggy.

  1. Operating Stiches: Three switches for heat, which regulates the turner, a merchandising light, and a motor/stirrer switch to start the popping will be included in high-quality equipment.
  2. Kettle: heats the oil and kernels to make popcorn. Look for removable, stainless steel kettles for easy cleaning.
  3. Roller bar: turns the kettle to completely empty the contents of the pot and helps increase employee safety.
  4. Warming deck: keeps the popcorn warm and fresh.
  5. Door: provides easy access to the kettle and inside cabinet for convenient cleaning.
  6. Drop door: makes it easy to scoop popcorn without opening the unit’s entire door.
  7. Kernel tray: allows for the removal of unpopped kernels, which have fallen through a perforated warming deck.
  8. Feet: non-slip rubber feet provide additional stability for countertop models.

Types of Popcorn Making Machines

Some of the basic types of popcorn making devices are listed below:

  • Commercial Popcorn Makers
  • Microwave Popcorn Makers
  • Stovetop Popcorn Makers
  • Hot Air Popcorn Makers

Commercial Popcorn Maker

Commercial popcorn makers are useful in producing popcorns in large amounts. They are also known as Professional popcorn makers since they are used mainly in crowded areas like cinema theatres and malls. However, these machines will occupy a lot of space because of their bulk size. It will contain a kettle that pops the kernels using the heating element and motor that equally spreads the corn. It is enough for the labor or maker to add the grains and switch on the machine. The machine will take care of other things, and the popcorns will pump out of the kettle once popped utterly.

Microwave Popcorn Maker

This type of popcorn maker is kept inside a microwave, as the name suggests. You can get fresh popcorns within few minutes. All you have to do is dump the popcorn kernels in the popper and keep it in the microwave. Oil is not needed in this type of popcorn maker since the popper uses the microwave to pop the kernels instead of oil. You can use the lid of the popper to add some butter if you need it. When the corns get popped up, this butter will mix with it since the top helps in melting it.

Hot Air Popcorn Maker

As the name suggests, the main action of popping is using hot air. This popper’s main compartment will consist of a fan that circulates hot air. This hot air will vaporize the moisture inside the kernels making the kernels to pop out. This type of popper does not need oil, and hence the calories are also less.

Stovetop Popcorn Maker

A stovetop popcorn maker is the best choice for making popcorn at home. It is quite simple. You have to wash and season the popper before starting to pop. You can use vegetable oil to season the pan. To pop the kernels, you have to spread a uniform layer of oil over the pan and dump half a cup of kernels over it and keep the stove at medium heat. Tilt the pan at specific intervals to spread the kernels equally so that the kernels pop better.

For those of you who love to eat popcorn on the go, we have compiled a list of the top 5 best popcorn machines that are available in the market.

1) Presto 04820 PopLite Hot Air Popper

2) Hamilton Beach 72600A Popcorn Maker

3) West Bend 82306 Stir Crazy 6-Quart Electric Popcorn Popper

4) Wabash Valley Farms 2501 Electric Popcorn Popper

5) Whirley-Pop Stovetop Popcorn Popper

How to Use a Popcorn Machine? How does a Popcorn Machine work?

Popcorn is an excellent complement to any party or gathering. You may have a significant influence with very little work and money. It’s entertaining, simple to prepare, and delicious!

  1. Heat the kettle for 7-9 minutes.
  2. Pour the oil into the kettle.
  3. Test a few kernels.
  4. When ready, put the rest of kernels in and shut the lid.
  5. When the popping ends, dump the kettle and enjoy!

Popcorn Machine Serving Sizes – How much popcorn will a popcorn machine make? How much oil do I use in a popcorn machine?

For each person, you need approximately 2 tablespoons or 1 oz of kernels.  That will make about 3.5 cups of popcorn.

Size of MachineAmount of OilAmount of KernelsAmount of PopcornServings
4 oz 1/4 cup1/2 cup14 cups4
6 oz 1/4 cup3/4 cup21 cups6
8 oz1/3 cup1 cup28 cups8
12 oz1/2 cup1 1/2 cups42 cups12
14 oz1/2 cup1 3/4 cups49 cups14
16 oz2/3 cup2 cups56 cups16

There are two types of machines that you can rent: Tabletop and Cart

The two machines work the same, they just look different. The popcorn cart has a vintage look to it, making it great for themed parties. The tabletop is for those times when you have limited space. 

Buy the Best Quality Pop Corn Machine for Your Business Needs

The best recommend Popcorn machine that you can actually purchase as a seller to promote your busines and as well boost your day-by-day transaction related to pop corn can be found at Kara Online Store. We also offer the best bulk purchase discount price in Nigeria.

Get all your popcorn machines at an affordable price at KARA ONLINE NIGERIA.

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