huawei ascend p6

The Chinese are gradually coming up in thought and design. Huawei Ascend P6 is a new phone from the Huawei Company that will definitely amaze your gaze. When you see the Huawei ascend p6, you will immediately notice the smartness in it. Huawei ascend P6 is thinner, faster and built to fit your palm. It comes in distinct three colours, Huawei p6 is elegance in hand, touch and look.



Huawei p6 has an elegant finish. It comes with 4.7inches display which is large enough to give you the perfection you want in your images and video. Huawei p6 is thinner than its predecessor and faster than what you can think of. Holding Huawei p6 in the hand give you the pleasure of having a gadget sit comfortably in ones palm as if it is made for that palm alone.

If you want to consider the image captured by this wonderful device, just imagine what an 8megapixel camera would capture. It allows you to capture every moment you wish. You can also take nice portrait image of yourself and your loved ones with the 5megapixel front camera. It is unimaginable that Huawei p6 has scene recognition that beautifies your photo irrespective of the environment you are.

Huawei p6 simply allow you to redefine your phone screen for easy access. You can simply drag and drop any application for easy access, this phone is not only smart but beauty is also inherent in it. Huawei android p6 comes with various themes for your favourite, its’ just impossible to exhaust them without been satisfied. Wow, you can now enjoy perfect touch even in the cold weather as Huawei p6 comes with sophisticated magic touch features that recognize you touch even with the glove.



Huawei p6 is built with smart programmes that gives you easy reading. Just with a tap you get sufficient meaning of any unfamiliar word in your text. It also allows you take and share image, video, music and lots more with your friend using the wireless. With Huawei P6, everything is sharable and just without stress or time consumption.

With the updated cloud+ on Huawei, backing up of your data is simple and more save. You can back up your music, photos, application, contacts, documents among others. Huawei p6 has just brought forward the future by allowing you to erase information from your phone remotely. Infact, it comes with phone finder that will assist you to easily locate and protect your phones from unwarranted loss.

Huawei P6 is the phone of the moment. You can just afford to be left of the all-encompassing features provided by this phone.



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