Home Phones WhatsApp will stop to support these Phones

WhatsApp will stop to support these Phones


WhatsApp has announced that December 31, 2016, will be the last day for support on Symbian and Blackberry smartphones. This will also include Nokia S40. Not only this, but the company also mentioned that older smartphones operating systems on Android, Windows and iOS will also face the end. These announcements were being made since March 2016, but no final date for the final support was made.

Those having older Android, iOS and Windows phones and others having feature phones with Symbian and BBOS will be affected. It is reported that this move came from the company since the market prediction reveals that reveals that features phones will be overtaken by smartphones from 2017 onwards. The company believes that it would post a security threat if these old devices will be using the application as they will not provide any updates or security patches. However, some third-party developer might tweak the settings and will roll-out the functioning version, but it is not advised to use a third party or tweaked application.

According to the company’s blog post, the phones which will be affected are BlackBerry, including BlackBerry 10, Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian S60, Android 2.1 and Android 2.2, Windows Phone 7.1 &iPhone 3GS/iOS 6. The company recommends upgrading to new smartphones if the users wish to continue using the application by the end of the year. Stay tuned for more information on this as we will update the article accordingly.


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